The Advertising Association promotes the role and rights of responsible advertising and its value to people, society, businesses and the economy. We represent UK advertisers, agencies, media owners and tech companies on behalf of the entire industry, acting as the connection between industry professionals and the politicians and policy-makers.


The Advertising Association focuses on major industry and policy areas that have huge ramifications on UK advertising. This section contains our work around Brexit, HFSS and gambling advertising, data and e-privacy, trust, the digital charter and our Industrial Strategy campaigns.

Credos is the advertising industry’s independent think tank. It produces research, evidence and reports into the impact and effectiveness of and public and political response to advertising on behalf of UK advertisers in order to enable the industry to make informed decisions.

Front Foot is our industry’s member network of over 50 businesses across UK advertising. It aims to promote the role of responsible advertising and its value to people, society and the economy through a coalition of senior leaders from advertisers, agencies and media owners.

We run a number of events throughout the year, from our annual LEAD summit to the Media Business Course and regular breakfast briefings for our members. We are also the official UK representative for the world’s biggest festival of creativity – Cannes Lions.

Growing advertising trade between UK and China in 2021

/ November 26th 2020
UK Advertising Export Group

This month we were delighted to announce that UKAEG is a partner of the Chinese Advertising Association at two important events in their calendar: the CAA Public Service Advertising (PSA) Conference in Beijing and the China International Advertising Festival (CIAF) Brand Globalization Forum in Xiamen City, Fujian Province. We will be hosting two presentations;


  1. UK Public service Advertising – Leading Social Change
    Jane Asscher, Founding Partner & CEO 23red, is the UK advertising industry’s leading expert on Public Service Advertising and marketing. An entrepreneur, founding partner and CEO of behaviour change and purpose-driven creative agency 23red, Jane is currently seconded into the UK Government’s Cabinet Office as strategic advisor on the UK’s marketing response to COVID-19.
  2. 英国公益广告——引领社会变革


  1. 3Ps of Marketing – Profit, Purpose and Partnership
    Keith Weed, AA President, WPP Non-Executive Director, and former Unilever Chief Marketing, Communications and Sustainability Officer, was named the most influential Chief Marketing Officer in the World, three years running, in 2017, 2018 and 2019 by Forbes, and awarded Global Marketer of the Year by the World Federation of Advertisers.
  2. 营销的三个要点——利益、宗旨、合作关系


This partnership is a result of our strong friendship with the Chinese Advertising Association (CAA) and the MOU signed between the CAA and UK advertising in 2019. Over the last number of years, we have come to China and international events to meet with our peers. I am delighted to say as a result of this collaboration a number of UKAEG companies work with China brands; Made in London, PingPong Digital, VCCP, Crowd, MBA, Qumin, and Across the Pond. More recently, we held our first roundtable with the CAA at Cannes Lions in 2019 and were pleased to be able to build on that relationship and host our second event virtually around Lions Live a roundtable knowledge share with the CAA, their members, UKAEG members and representatives from both UK and Chinese Governments.

此次合作是我们与中国广告协会深厚友谊的体现,也秉承了英国广告行业和中国广告协会在2019年签署的谅解备忘录精神。在过去的几年里,我们曾到访中国、在国际活动中与同行会面。因为我们的合作,我很高兴地宣布已经有许多英国广告出口联盟的成员公司和中国品牌达成了合作,他们是伦敦制造(Made in London)、乒创、VCCP、Crowd、MBA、趣民和Across the Pond。我们在2019年戛纳国际创意节上与中国广告协会举办了我们之间的第一次圆桌会议。近期我们也非常高兴的延续了我们在戛纳建立的友谊,举办了戛纳国际创意节线上圆桌会议,中国广告协会、中国广告协会会员、英国广告出口联盟会员和中英两国政府代表均出席了这场知识共享的盛会。

Last month, we released a new report – Powering Up UK Advertising Exports which has identified a circle of creativity, talent and reputation at the heart of UK advertising exports success, following a decade of year-on-year growth. The report shows just how special our offering is – the ability to provide a complete package of strategic, creative, production and technological services of the highest quality from one easy-to-access location. Other key drivers of UK advertising export success identified were the global use of the English language and the UK’s geographical location enabling it to transcend time zones with Asia and America. The size and scale of the UK’s industry also provides a strength in depth of specialisms coupled real collaboration across strategy, creativity, production and technology. Our Made Global film developed by UKAEG members, adam&eveDDB and The Mill tells the story of the UK’s unrivalled reputation for creativity.

上个月,我门发布了一项新的报告——《助力英国广告出口》。报告指出,经过十年的逐年增长,英国广告出口成功的核心在于创意、人才和声誉。报告揭示了英国广告行业的独特性——依靠便捷的地理位置,有能力提供最高质量的全套战略、创意、生产和技术服务。英国广告出口成功的其他关键驱动力是英语的全球使用,和英国能够调剂亚洲和美洲时差的优势地理位置。英国广告业的规模和体量也具有专业深度优势,为战略、创意、生产和技术方面的合作助力。由英国广告出口联盟成员adam&eveDDB和The Mill共同开发的视频《走向全球》,讲述了英国在创意方面无与伦比的声誉。

For brands we know that the UK is the global hub for advertising, however it is also a gateway for companies looking to go global. We want to see the UK as China’s home from home and the first place they come to when expanding their business. The UKAEG welcomes Chinese brand owners, platforms and agencies to work with us to fulfil their global ambitions.


If you are interested in working with UK advertising please contact the UKAEG Marketing Manager, Aisling Conlonor visit our special hub for UK Advertising Exports to meet our companies.

如果您有兴趣与英国广告行业合作,请联系英国广告出口联盟市场经理Aisling Conlon,或访问我们的英国广告出口页面,与我们的公司见面。