The Advertising Association promotes the role and rights of responsible advertising and its value to people, society, businesses and the economy. We represent UK advertisers, agencies, media owners and tech companies on behalf of the entire industry, acting as the connection between industry professionals and the politicians and policy-makers.


The Advertising Association focuses on major industry and policy areas that have huge ramifications on UK advertising. This section contains our work around Brexit, HFSS and gambling advertising, data and e-privacy, trust, the digital charter and our Industrial Strategy campaigns.

Credos is the advertising industry’s independent think tank. It produces research, evidence and reports into the impact and effectiveness of and public and political response to advertising on behalf of UK advertisers in order to enable the industry to make informed decisions.

Front Foot is our industry’s member network of over 50 businesses across UK advertising. It aims to promote the role of responsible advertising and its value to people, society and the economy through a coalition of senior leaders from advertisers, agencies and media owners.

We run a number of events throughout the year, from our annual LEAD summit to the Media Business Course and regular breakfast briefings for our members. We are also the official UK representative for the world’s biggest festival of creativity – Cannes Lions.

Facebook: Tackling microaggressions

/ September 22nd 2021
BRIM Case Study


This article is in partnership with BRiM


Facebook is intent on building a culture where everyone can thrive and feel respected. To achieve this, it’s important to foster an environment of openness and authenticity, where every employee feels comfortable bringing their whole self to work.

Whether intentional or not, microaggressions – in the form of verbal, behavioural or environmental slights – stand in the way of achieving this. For Black people, they can often be ubiquitous across daily work and life.

Accidental statements or insensitive questions may seem small but they can compound over time, having a damaging effect on an individual’s well-being.


Facebook wants to create a respectful workplace that is free from these types of behaviours, so  they developed a Micro-phone@ FB tool. This enables people to anonymously report microaggressions that they observe or experience in the workplace.

The information collected through this process is sensitive and kept anonymous. To create a safe space, the tool does not trigger a direct feedback loop or investigation, and it is not a substitute for the official process of reporting a policy violation.

However, for transparency, Facebook publishes an internal report that breaks down the types of microaggressions submitted, the micro-impacts they have, and the ways that they can learn from them through micro-allyships.


The insights gained from the Micro-phone@ FB tool are based on lived experiences, and it is this rich qualitative data that informs Facebook’s ability to drive awareness and action.

A core outcome of this tool is ensuring that these collected insights lead directly to action including:

  • Executive Diversity Reports – Ensuring that the report findings get reviewed by senior leaders for increased awareness and supporting evidence to drive urgency of their Executive D&I Action Plans.
  • Training – Leveraging examples from the report findings to revamp or update content in training material.
  • People Insights – Providing additional insight for the Human Resources and Employee Relations teams.
  • Communications and Campaigns – Enriching their Diversity & Inclusion narrative with lived experiences that help build empathy and inspire more action.


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